
When: May 2, 2025
-10:30 AM breakfast buffet
-11:00 AM registration
-1:oo PM shotgun start
Where: Olympia Country & Golf Club (3636 Country Club Rd NW Olympia, WA 98502)
Cost: $215 per player | $200 for Team Registration| four-person scramble
*Includes green fees, cart, range balls, Young Life goodie bag, and breakfast for each person. Please note that this year's prices have been updated to reflect raised prices from OGCC. 
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, closest to the pin on two par 3's and longest drive

Registration Options

Individual Golfer | $215
-An individual joining a team of four, and paying for one registration.

Team Registration | $800
-An individual reserving a team of four, and paying for all golfers at once.

Sponsorship OptionsTeam Sponsor | $1,100
-Four free player entries for tournament play
-Custom signage (and optional sponsor-provided tent)
- Recognition during the awards ceremony
-Listing on next year's website

Tournament Sponsor | $2,500
-Four free player entries for tournament play
-Recognition on all printed material
-Logo showcased on large tournament banner
-Custom hole signage (and optional sponsor-provided tent)
-Recognition during the awards ceremony
-Listing on next year's website

Hole Sponsor | $200 
-Entry fee is not included in the sponsorship
-Custom hole signage
-100% of funds go towards helping kids get to camp

To submit a hole sponsorship click HERE


Contact: [email protected] | 360-491-2620

  • I am an individual joining a team of four, and paying for only one registration.

  • I am an individual reserving a team of four, and paying for all golfers at once.

  • Includes four free player entries for tournament play, custom hole signage (& optional sponsor provided tent), recognition during awards ceremony, and listing on next year's website.

  • Includes four free player entries for tournament play, recognition on all printed material, logo showcased on large tournament banner, custom hole signage (& optional sponsor provided tent), recognition during awards ceremony, and listing on next year's website.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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